Subject initiator:s_nava       Replies:1       Published on:2022-02-08

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  OLT C300 GUFQ version files
Common member

Common member
Registered on:2022-02-08
OLT C300 GUFQ version files (Published on:2/8/2022 1:26:21 AM)


I`m trying to setup a ZXA10 C300 OLT but the uplink GUFQ card it`s in HWONLINE state, to change it, I need to update the version files of the card, but I haven`t found them anywhere. So I`d like to ask if someone know where can I found them.

ZTE engineer

ZTE engineer
Registered on:2009-07-14
Reply:OLT C300 GUFQ version files (Published on:2/10/2022 8:48:15 AM)
Please contact the seller, for example,  ZTE local representative office or agent.

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Subject:  OLT C300 GUFQ version files
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