Subject initiator:SJBN       Replies:1       Published on:2020-07-29

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  C300 card compatibility
Common member

Common member
Registered on:2019-09-28
C300 card compatibility (Published on:7/29/2020 7:21:56 AM)


I use a OLT C300 ver 1.2.5

NOC-01#show card
Rack Shelf Slot CfgType RealType Port    HardVer SoftVer         Status
1    1     0    PRWG    PRWG     N/A     090301                  NOPOWER
1    1     1    PRWG    PRWG     N/A     090301                  INSERVICE
1    1     2    GTGH    GTGHG    16      140901  V1.2.5P3        INSERVICE
1    1     3    GTGH    GTGHG    16      140901  V1.2.5P3        INSERVICE
1    1     4    GTGH    GTGHG    16      120700  V1.2.5P3        INSERVICE
1    1     5    GTGH    GTGHG    16      140901  V1.2.5P3        INSERVICE
1    1     6    GTGH    GTGHG    16      140901  V1.2.5P3        INSERVICE
1    1     10   SCXN    SCXN     N/A     120902  V1.2.5P3        STANDBY
1    1     11   SCXN    SCXN     N/A     120902  V1.2.5P3        INSERVICE
1    1     19   HUTQ    HUTQ     4       100101  V1.2.5P3        INSERVICE
1    1     20   HUTQ    HUTQ     4       100101  V1.2.5P3        INSERVICE

GTGH boards are randomly reset and mark "Last restart reason: Watchdog Unfed".

I don't know if it's a version problem and i have to upgrade to 2.1. or it is an incompatibility between the controller board (SCXN) and the PON boards and i have to put an SCTM controller.
Today we will be with 3000 onus in the C300.

ZTE engineer

ZTE engineer
Registered on:2009-07-14
Reply:C300 card compatibility (Published on:8/3/2020 10:50:11 AM)
Log in to web, and check the WAN connection configuration.
Whether there is tr069WAN connection

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Subject:  C300 card compatibility
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