Subject initiator:cesardiez       Replies:4       Published on:2020-02-14

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  ZXR10 5928E VLAN Routing
Common member

Common member
Registered on:2019-11-20
ZXR10 5928E VLAN Routing (Published on:2/14/2020 6:12:41 AM)

Please, how can i do to create static routing between vlans? The information in the manuals it's not enough to me.

With the configuration below, I can ping the target and the next hop on the 5928E, but not on VLAN 45 computers

Thank you.

ZXR10#sh ver
5928E Software, 5900 Version: V3.00.11.B27,  RELEASE SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by ZTE Corporation.
Compiled 2015-07-16, 21:54:21
System image files are:</flash/HMPU.set>
System uptime is 2 days, 22 hours, 17 minutes

[MP(M) , shelf 0 ,panel 1]
cpu 0
Main processor  : ARM MV78230 Processor
Bootrom Version : V2.09
Memory          : 2042 Mbytes
System Flash    : 512 Mbytes
System baud     : 9600 baud
System nvram    : 8 kbytes
CPUcard CPLD    : V1.10
CPLD1 Version   : V1.40
CPLD2 Version   : N/A
Board Name      : 5928E
Product Version : V1.40
Board PCB       : V1.00

[Subcard  ,  shelf 0 ,panel 2]
Board Type      : SQGLB
Board Name      : 59EC-4GE-SF-C
Serial Number   : N/A


ZXR10#show running-config
!configuration saved at 12:25:15 Mon Feb 10 2020 by write txt
!last configuration change at 21:37:45 Wed Feb 12 2020 by NULL
hostname ZXR10
interface gei-0/1/1/1
interface gei-0/1/1/2
interface gei-0/1/1/3
interface gei-0/1/1/4
interface gei-0/1/1/5
interface gei-0/1/1/6
interface gei-0/1/1/7
interface gei-0/1/1/8
interface gei-0/1/1/9
interface gei-0/1/1/10
interface gei-0/1/1/11
interface gei-0/1/1/12
interface gei-0/1/1/13
interface gei-0/1/1/14
interface gei-0/1/1/15
interface gei-0/1/1/16
interface gei-0/1/1/17
interface gei-0/1/1/18
interface gei-0/1/1/19
interface gei-0/1/1/20
interface gei-0/1/1/21
interface gei-0/1/1/22
interface gei-0/1/1/23
interface gei-0/1/1/24
interface gei-0/1/2/1
interface gei-0/1/2/2
interface gei-0/1/2/3
interface gei-0/1/2/4
interface mgmt_eth
  ip address
interface vlan10
  ip address
interface vlan20
  ip address
interface vlan40
  ip address
interface vlan45
  ip address
interface null1
interface gei-0/1/1/1
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/2
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/3
  negotiation auto disable
  speed 100
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/4
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/5
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/6
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/7
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/8
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/9
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/10
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/11
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/12
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/13
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/14
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/15
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/16
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/17
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/18
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/19
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/20
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/21
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/22
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/23
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/1/24
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/2/1
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/2/2
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/2/3
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
interface gei-0/1/2/4
  negotiation auto
  broadcast-limit percent 10
  multicast-limit percent 100
  unknowncast-limit percent 10
  vlan 1
  vlan 10
    name TVW
  vlan 20
    name IFIX
  vlan 40
    name MSP
  vlan 45
    name SALA01
  interface gei-0/1/1/1
    switchport access vlan 20
  interface gei-0/1/1/3
    switchport access vlan 40
  interface gei-0/1/1/4
    switchport access vlan 10
  interface gei-0/1/1/8
    switchport access vlan 45
  interface gei-0/1/2/1
    switchport access vlan 10
ip pool SALA01
ip dhcp pool SALA01
  ip-pool SALA01
ip dhcp policy SALA01 1
  dhcp-pool SALA01
  interface vlan45
    mode server
    policy SALA01
logging file default almlog
  accept on
  files number 7 per-size 5120
  level informational
logging file default cmdlog
  buffer 1000
  files number 7 per-size 5120
logging file default srvlog
  accept on
  files number 7 per-size 5120
  interval 10
logging snmp
  accept on
  match cmdlog
ip route vlan40
ip route vlan20


Registered on:2011-06-22
Reply:ZXR10 5928E VLAN Routing (Published on:3/24/2020 2:01:32 PM)

Hello,5928E is not a  data product,it is brlong to Fixed Network Terminal Products,please go to Fixed Network terminal products Forun.Thank you


Registered on:2011-06-22
Reply:ZXR10 5928E VLAN Routing (Published on:2/27/2020 9:14:13 AM)

If the two vlans GW are on the switch,they can communicate with each other without having to configure the static routing.If they can't communicate,plehe ase check if you have access to the firewall.

Common member

Common member
Registered on:2019-11-20
Reply:ZXR10 5928E VLAN Routing (Published on:2/27/2020 5:37:28 AM)
Supposing that I need static routing due to the scenario in which some vlans cannot access others, for example. Please, how can I proceed? 

Download support.jpg

Registered on:2011-06-22
Reply:ZXR10 5928E VLAN Routing (Published on:2/16/2020 7:06:21 PM)

Hello,you don't need to create static routing between vlans,if the two vlans GW are on the switch,they can communicate with each other without having to configure the static routing.

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Subject:  ZXR10 5928E VLAN Routing
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